Applicant must be a practicing orthopaedic surgeon with deep interest in the
field of arthroplasty. He/She should be a member of WBOA or IOA.
Application form must be filled completely and send to the WBAS office with
the prescribed fees.
Please pay the fees by Online, Cheque or Demand draft only. Cash will not be
Membership is subject to ratification during general body meeting.
Membership fee is non-refundable and is subject to change without notice.
Members have a right to vote during the GBM.
All members must abide by the rules and regulations of WBAS.
WBAS has the right to suspend or cancel membership of a member in exceptional
Applicant must be registered with MCI.
WBAS reserves all rights and in any dispute the decision of WBAS shall be
final and abiding.
Please send all enquires to
Send the completed form to :
WBAS, C/o West Bengal Orthopaedic Association,
102/3A, Dr. Suresh Chandra Banerjee Road (Beleghata Main Road), First Floor, Kolkata 700010.
Ph: 033-23720540 , E-mail: